Aug 10, 2023 | Scam of the Month, Tips
Authors that don’t exist, fake reviews, scanty and questionable content… A.I. generated content and the rise of self-publication has led to a wave of scam books The New York Times published an article this week detailing their investigation into a new...
May 30, 2023 | Cybersecurity, Scam of the Month, Tips
Introducing Scam of the Month – A favorite feature of our Monthly Newsletter, now on the Blog! This month’s scam is a particular bother for us- Meet the Help Desk Scam. We get calls pretty regularly about these emails, so it’s time to talk about...
Apr 12, 2023 | Cybersecurity, Tips
The FBI recently tweeted a warning about using public phone chargers… What’s up with that? While not exactly a new problem, unless you’re the kind of person that reads the FCC or FBI scam reports for fun, you may not have heard that public chargers...
Jul 27, 2022 | News, Tips
Did you see last week’s blog, warning about a new scam where restaurant Google Reviews get held for ransom? (Read it here) Unfortunately, it didn’t take long to happen to a local restaurant; proving the scam has spread beyond the coasts and big cities...
Jul 13, 2022 | News, Scam of the Month, Tips
Ratings on Google Reviews can make or break many businesses. Abuse of the review system is nothing new – but has recently started being “weaponized” in a new scam. Most small business owners can tell you stories about getting undeserved poor...